14 Nov 2013

My Dad's Shoes

It was raining pitchforks when i drove off to work today, 
I was late for the morning shift my supervisor was mad, but its okay. 

All of my concern, of certain death and depression
On how we cursed at each other for how long i could not remember
It might be my fault I should have known
I have not had my lunch I do not have that much of time 
For last night did not went so well
It was 3 past midnight and you ain't home, yet 
While my calls were unreplied the four walls criticise
And again, on certain death, life and consequences

I told myself you'd do just fine 
These tired eyes against my nervous mind
And dawn knocked on doors 
You came back soundlessly, from God knows where. 

- Khairil Anuar Shariff  (25th Oct. 2013)